Showing 190–198 of 206 results

Purple Iris and Yellow Lilly Bouquet


This bouquet contains purple irises (seasonal) and yellow asiatic lilies with greenery, presented in cellophane wrap and bow.

Rose Petals (SILK)


Rose Petals (SILK)


These artificial rose petals are available in white, red, pink and orange. Very realistic! – PICK UP or POST MAIL OUT ONLY. Call us on 0439 521 438 (Pick up by appointment only)

Shades of Pastels Vase


This glass vase  contains a posy of pastel seasonal flowers  and greenery. Flowers, vase and greenery may vary to that shown due to availability however it will be to the same value.

Shades of Purple Vase


This ornate glass vase contains a posy of seasonal flowers in all shades of purple and greenery. Flowers may vary to that shown due to availability but value will be the same.

Shades of White Vase


A glass vase of white seasonal flowers and greenery. Flowers, vase and greenery may vary to what is shown due to availability. Value will be the same.

Standard Wrist Corsage


This wrist corsage has white dendrobium orchids and ribbon throughout. It is on an elasticised, one size fits all wristlet.  Minimum $50 (excluding delivery fee) is required for delivery. Any quantity available for pick up.

Stationery Bouquet


Something a little bit different for a student or new work colleague. This contains a ruler, calculator, stapler and staples, rubbers, highlighter pens, post its, pencil case, pens and pencils, paper clips and more. All presented in a re-usable bucket. Contents may vary to pictured items

Stocks Arrangement with balloon


This Arrangement has gorgeous stocks (seasonal), roses, gerberas and chrysanthemums with tropical greenery. Also comes with an air-filled balloon – Choice of Get Well Soon, Baby Girl, Baby Boy, Happy Birthday or Smiley Face(yellow).

Fern Pot (Artificial)

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $85.00.

Fern Pot (Artificial)

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $85.00.

This wooden round urn contains a realistic looking fern with pebble decoration. Just a periodic quick wipe with a damp cloth required to remove dust. It measures approximately 48cm high and 45cm at its widest.

Showing 190–198 of 206 results