We will be closed from Saturday 1st June, 2024 to Tuesday 2nd July, 2024 inclusive. No orders will be available for delivery or pick up during this time.

Showing 1–9 of 104 results

Purple Iris Vase


Beautiful, bright, purple, hot house irises in a vase with embellishments and decorative pebbles.

Bird Cage Plant


This gorgeous, white, ornate bird cage is approximately 44cm high and 27cm wide and is full of seasonal flowers including roses, chrysanthemums and greenery.  (Not all flowers may be available at time of ordering as per photo but it will be beautiful). Unique centrepiece and gift! Choice of Colour Scheme:  *pretty pinks *brights *whites (shown)

Red Rose Vase (from)


Red Rose Vase (from)


This quality vase arrangement contains premium long stem red roses with decorative pink netting,  5 red chocolate hearts and “Happy Valentines Day’ pick. Choice of 3 sizes available!

Sunflower Vase Arrangement

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Tulip Vase


Tulip Vase


This 20cm vase contains 10 tulips and decorative pebbles.  

Oriental Lily Vase Arrangement


Vase has fragrant pink oriental lilies, tropical leaves, willow sticks and decorative pebbles.

Vase of Flowers


Vase of Flowers


This quality vase is full of beautiful seasonal flowers including roses, gerberas, chrysanthemums, orchids and carnations, also has eucalyptus gum foliage throughout. Comes in 3 sizes. Petite (vase size 16.5cm with reduced flowers to that shown), Standard (shown, vase size 28cm)) and Deluxe (vase size 28cm with increased flowers to that shown). Vase style may […]

Rose Vase Pink 10


This gorgeous vase contains 10 premium long stem pink roses (60cm) and greenery. Vase included.

Pretty Pastel Box – from


Pretty Pastel Box – from


Full of pretty flowers, this box contains pastel seasonal flowers and greenery.

Showing 1–9 of 104 results