We will be closed from Saturday 1st June, 2024 to Tuesday 2nd July, 2024 inclusive. No orders will be available for delivery or pick up during this time.

Showing 10–18 of 104 results

Mixed Rose Box


This gorgeous box contains 12  roses (50cm) and greenery in pretty pinks and whites.

Pretty Mixed Flower Wrap


Pretty Mixed Flower Wrap


This gorgeous wrap of seasonal flowers including  roses, chrysanthemums and other seasonal flowers in pretty pinks and whites. Available in 3 sizes. Presented in pretty papers and wrap with a bow! Design of paper and flowers may vary to that shown due to availability

White Dendrobium Orchid Wrap


This wrap contains white dendrobium orchids and is presented with a bow.

Mixed Orchid Wrap


Mixed Orchid Wrap


Contains mixed colours of dendrobium and/or mokara orchids, palm leaf wrapped in  cellophane paper and a bow. Available in 3 sizes

Pink Asiatic Bouquet


This bouquet contains beautiful pink asiatic lilies (non-perfumed variety) and greenery. Presented in a cellophane wrap and bow.

Purple Iris Wrap


This wrap contains fresh iris stems, presented in lovely paper and bow.

Tulip Wrap


Tulip Wrap


Contains 10  tulips wrapped in cellophane, decorative netting and a bow. Seasonal, only available certain times of the year.  

Christmas Hamper ~from


Christmas Hamper ~from


This hamper contains a bottle of Australian wine, christmas pudding, chocolates, shortbread, fruit mince pies and other christmas delights. (contents may vary). Presented in cellophane, christmas ribbon, card and 2 bon bons.

Chips, Beer and Nuts Hamper


This basket contains a selection of chips, nuts and beer. Presented wrapped in cellophane and a bow Basket and Contents may vary to pictured items but will be to same value

Showing 10–18 of 104 results