We will be closed from Saturday 1st June, 2024 to Tuesday 2nd July, 2024 inclusive. No orders will be available for delivery or pick up during this time.

Showing 28–36 of 104 results

Baci Chocolate Bouquet ~from


Baci Chocolate Bouquet ~from


This bittersweet chocolate is Italian, dark and with hazelnuts. The word “Baci” means kiss and this makes the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, a romantic gesture or for a loved one! All Baci chocolates are individually wrapped and presented in a re-usable container.

Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant with Succulents(SILK)


This  elegant, white phalaenopsis orchid plant comes in a moss filled glass pot and filled with succulents and other flowers at the base and with two orchid stems. It’s All Artificial and realistic looking.  Approximate size is 80cm high x 50cm wide x 37cm deep.

Bowl of White Flowers in Resin Water (SILK)


This classic arrangement is full of premium quality artificial flowers in whites. Native proteas, delphiniums, gum nuts and other flowers and greenery all set in a resin water. Sits approximately 70cm high, wide and deep. Can be set in the middle of a table as a centrepiece or against a wall.  Easy to maintain with […]

White Native Glass Bowl Arrangement(SILK)

Original price was: $185.00.Current price is: $145.00.

White Native Glass Bowl Arrangement(SILK)

Original price was: $185.00.Current price is: $145.00.

This stunning artificial arrangement is set in a water like resin. It’s in a posy shape and will suit placement on the centre of a table or against a wall. It measures approximately 30cm high by 30cm wide. Immediate delivery and pick available.

Basket of Flowers (SILK & DRIED/PRESERVED)


This gorgeous, tall front facing arrangement contains artificial and dried/preserved flowers. Banksias, magnolias, bunny tails and eucalyptus gum.   All arranged in a two toned basket. Very stunning arrangement it stands approximately 1 metre tall, 60cm wide and 45cm deep. Immediate delivery or pick up available

Flower Taps (SILK)


This very unique arrangement has artificial flowers in 2 ceramic pots and in a metal tap holder. Purely ornamental the arrangement stands approximately 47cm high, 32cm wide and 22cm deep. Please view other images for side and back views

Table Arrangement (SILK)


This bright floral arrangement has artificial flowers, greenery and vine and displayed in a wooden and metal base. Its sits approximately 30cm high, 60cm long and 30cm wide.

Fresh Green Arrangement (SILK)


This modern, fresh artificial arrangement has a lovely ceramic pot and contains lotus pods, oriental lily, succulents and other flowers and greenery. Sits approximately 58cm high, 50cm wide and 40cm deep. Please view other images

Flower Arrangement in Autumn Tones (SILK)


Lovely arrangement of banksias (dried) and other flowers and greenery in artificial. In  autumnal tones nestled in a textured olive ceramic pot. Approximate height is 70cm x 50cm wide x 50cm deep.  Suitable as a centrepiece or against a wall as flowers face all sides. Immediate stock available.  

Showing 28–36 of 104 results