We will be closed from Saturday 1st June, 2024 to Tuesday 2nd July, 2024 inclusive. No orders will be available for delivery or pick up during this time.

Showing 46–54 of 104 results

Valentines Package


A very romantic gesture for anniversary, Valentines day, for that some-one special. This pack contains a vase of 18 premium long stem red roses, Moet and Chandon French Champagne,  a large box of Roses Chocolates and  5 chocolate hearts. (Happy Valentines Day pick included). When simply the best will do!

Mini Box of Roses


This box contains 12 premium roses (50cm) and greenery

Single Red Rose Long Box


This premium 60cm long stem red rose is presented in a long box. Also comes with a vase, greenery and 5 chocolate hearts.

Bouquet of Red Roses


This bouquet contains 12 premium long stem red roses (60cm) and greenery. Presented in cellophane and a bow.

Mars Bars with Jim Beam Chocolate Bouquet ~from


This chocolate bouquet contains mini size Mars Bars and a 50ml bottle of Jim Beam. (Recipient and customers must be 18 years and over to purchase). Great gift for that some-one special!

Dark Chocolate Bouquet – from


This chocolate bouquet contains baci dark chocolates and cherry ripe chocolates ( a mix of dark chocolate and coconut). Available in 3 sizes.

Blue Orchid Box


This box contains vibrant blue galaxy orchids and greenery. Blue galaxy orchids are flown into Perth from overseas once a week. Availability may be limited.

Docker’s Ferrero Roche Chocolate Bouquet


This chocolate Bouquet in Dockers Colours has approximately 20 individually wrapped ferrero roche chocolates. Great footy favourites!

Eagles Ferrero Roche Chocolate Bouquet


This chocolate Bouquet in Eagles Colours has approximately 20 individually wrapped ferrero roche chocolates. Great footy favourites!

Showing 46–54 of 104 results