We will be closed from Saturday 1st June, 2024 to Tuesday 2nd July, 2024 inclusive. No orders will be available for delivery or pick up during this time.

Showing 64–72 of 104 results

Fruit Basket ~from


Fruit Basket ~from


This basket contains fresh seasonal fruit, a healthy alternative. Its available in 3 sizes.

Fresh Green Box


Fresh Green Box


This fresh, pure mini box has seasonal flowers in tones of green and white. Choice of 3 sizes available

Baci Chocolates with Pink and Red Foil hearts Bouquet ~from


This ceramic pot contains Baci chocolates and pink and red foil wrapped heart chocolates. A lovely and bright gift for Valentine’s Day.

Chrysanthemum Wrap


Contains hot house grown chrysanthemums wrapped in cellophane, netting and bow. Available in different colours and types.

Asiatic Lily Bouquet


A bright, stunning bouquet of yellow asiatic lilies and greenery presented in a cellophane wrap and a bow.

Nappy Cake Baby Boy


This 2 tiered “cake” has 30 disposable nappies, 2 muslin wraps,  a blue teddy, singlet and socks and a balloon, beautifully wrapped in clear cellophane and blue ribbon bow. Contents may vary due to availability.

Nappy Cake Baby Girl


This 2 tiered “cake” has 30 disposable nappies, 2 muslin wraps,  a pink teddy and pink baby gifts, beautifully wrapped in clear cellophane and pink ribbon bow. Contents may vary due to availability

Nappy Cake (general)


This 2 tiered “cake” has 30 disposable nappies, 2 muslin wraps, a teddy and other baby gifts in neutral colours, beautifully wrapped in clear cellophane and ribbon bow. Contents may vary due to availability

Purple and Yellow Glass Bowl Arrangement(SILK)


This stunning artificial arrangement is set in a water like resin. It’s in a posy shape and will suit placement on the centre of a table or against a wall. It measures approximately 30cm high by 30cm wide. Immediate delivery and pick available.

Showing 64–72 of 104 results